AshleyWhitlockSmallHere is Ashley Whitlock, the manager of Starbucks on Castro St., in Mountain View. Please stand and cheer for Ms Whitlock! She donated coffee, cream, cups, sugars (and non-sugars), napkins, stir sticks to The Lively Foundation for the International Dance Festival-Silicon Valley in 2012 and 2013, and for the Festival of Lights, Dec. 2013. Ms Whitlock is a musician in addition to be a manager. She says she loves to help Lively help the arts. Support our supporters! It will be such a pleasure to do: visit Starbucks on Castro, enjoy a latte, a bear claw, a sandwich, and join us in giving thanks for Ashley Whitlock. The dancers at IDF-SV and our audience in Dec. benefitted from her generosity and Starbucks coffee.