EDUCATION: Believing that children deserve the best in the arts, Lively has since its inception presented concerts and programs for schoolchildren.
We perform entertaining yet painlessly educational programs in beautiful theaters like the Herbst Theatre in San Francisco and the Petite Trianon in San Jose as well as bringing programs to many individual schools.
The need for these projects is obvious: all our performances at the 900 seat Herbst Theater sell out.
Our programs fit required curriculum and help teachers with subjects such as history, geography, social studies, language arts, conservation.
In two days in May, 2006 Lively performed its program THE GOLD RUSH for 2200 schoolchildren; in Spring, 2007, about 2500 schoolchildren saw THE GOLD RUSH in six Bay Area school districts.
With the help of donors who care about kids and education, we make low to no cost tickets available to many schools.