The Lively Foundation
Lively’s international arts review brings you witty, insightful writing, exquisite photography, and prickly commentary. Subscribe now!
Just $30 for individuals, $40 for institutions, $10.00 for back issues. Make your check to The Lively Foundation and mail it to The Lively Foundation, 2565 Washington St., San Francisco, CA 94115.
THE HEDGEHOG, the international arts review
Ever since its first issue in 1996, The Hedgehog, the international arts review has featured interviews, reviews, profiles, and opinion. Intelligent, lively, reverent when appropriate and irreverent when necessary, The Hedgehog seeks to enlighten and to entertain.
   The Hedgehog’s production is a work of art in itself; it is printed on fine paper and generously illustrated with photographs. The New York Public Library, The Getty Library & Museum, California State Library and other fine institutions keep The Hedgehog in permanent collections--for its beauty and its brains.
   NEW! Click on livelyblog above for a Highlight of a soon to appear Hedgehog.

-New Faces in Opera, Vol. I, no. 1

-Music Festivals: Round Top International Festival-Institute, Round Top, Texas, Vol. I, no. 2

-Nathan Olivera, Painter & Printmaker, Vol. I, no.3

-Denis de Coteau, Conductor & Music Director, San Francisco Ballet, Vol. I, no. 4

-Picasso and the War Years; Exploring African Arts; George Segal, Sculptor, Vol. 2, nos. 1 & 2 

-Frederick Sommer, Photographer, Vol. 2, no. 3 

-Dr. Kapila Vatsyayan, Founder,  The Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, New Delhi, Vol. 2, no. 4
This is the cover of the most recent issue, December 2006
The Hedgehog is co-edited by Jonathan Clark and Leslie Friedman. Mr. Clark is an award winning photographer whose work is in major collections in Europe, Japan, and the United States. In addition to fine private collections, he is represented in the Museum of Modern Art, NYC, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., and the Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris, among others. He is an authority on fine art printing and photogravure whose work created at his Artichoke Press is treasured in fine art and printing collections internationally.
Leslie Friedman’s remarkable career as a dancer and choreographer has earned her acclaim from audiences and critics alike on four continents. She has performed with the support of the US State Department and other governments in Russia, China, India, England, Spain, Poland, Egypt and many other countries. She is also a writer and lecturer who received her Ph.D. in Modern British History from Stanford University. She taught at Stanford, Vassar, and Case Western Reserve before leaving academia to return to dance.