Do you or someone you know wish to make a tax-free IRA gift in 2009? What a great way to help The Lively Foundation continue its educational programs.
This law allows people 70 1/2 and older to donate directly to the charity of their choice without having to report that amount as income.
HOW TO DO IT: Eligible Traditional or Roth IRA holders can call or write their IRA custodian, and then the IRA custodian will send a check directly to the selected charity.
It’s a simple process but could take time to complete the transaction. Donations must be postmarked no later than December 31, 2009.
The Lively Foundation does work that its donors would like to do: offer educational opportunities to young people, create artistic projects which add to everyone’s lives with beauty and insight, give free tickets to concerts to senior citizens and families in need of a special event.
This information is not tax or financial advice. It’s always best to consult your CPA, tax or legal advisor. The Lively Foundation greatly appreciates your thoughtful consideration. You are our partners in this dance! Thank you!