The Lively Foundation
Happy Hedgehogs are back! The Lively School’s beloved classes for young children have returned, actually by popular demand. After receiving a phone call from a mother whose 3 1/2 year old son loves stories, Leslie agreed to start a new Creative Movement & Storytelling Class, in Mountain View.
   Children and parents love the class. Movement, music, and make-believe combine to make a magical experience. Boys & girls gain coordination, strength, flexibility, and verbal skills. Songs and rhythm instruments, too.
Everyone dances and has a great time.
   Great for soccer stars, princesses, and action heroes. One class left in the current session, Sept. 19. New session of 4 classes begins in October. Don’t miss the fun; join us. Email or call for information and registration.
    Creative Movement & Storytelling: Mondays, 5 p.m.
(current class meets at 5:30; time will switch to 5 p.m. in Oct.)
Herbert says, “Join the fun!” Happy Hedgehog Creative Movement & Storytelling classes return.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Creative Movement & Storytelling Classes, for ages 4-6